Epoxy Coatings
Flooring Specialists
Epoxy - Polished Concrete - REFLECTOR Enhancer
When you are considering epoxy flooring, what comes to your mind are auto shops or commercial kitchens. You’re likely not thinking about basements or laundry rooms. However, with modern interior flooring, epoxy can really bring style and functionality to your living space.
It’s seamless, waterproof, and durable. It also has a contemporary, modern look that a lot of people love. Moreover, there is a wide selection of color options. Installation of interior epoxy flooring is actually simple and fast. The application procedure is similar to painting – floors are prepared before the epoxy is put on. Next comes a curing phase. Floors are quickly dry to the touch and very firm within the first twelve hours. After a day, the actual strength of epoxy becomes evident, and by a week after the application, the total strength and durability of epoxy flooring is clear. At Rochester Epoxy Flooring, our staff is noticing more residential property owners requesting epoxy floors, in particular for their laundry rooms and other areas in their lower living space. It’s an obvious choice for rooms where moisture is an issue. But it’s also amazing in high traffic areas where scratching or staining is a concern because epoxy is much harder wearing than laminate, and a lot easier to care for than either carpet or rugs. Simply put, epoxy laundry room floors are much cooler than having tile. Epoxy laundry room flooring comes in a wide range of shades and can even be put down in artsy patterns. It can be made to look like marble or granite. It also can be combined with various coatings to give a uniquely textured or visualize façade. Epoxy floors are a wonderful way to provide lifelong protection and visual appeal to your laundry floors. Whether you want to have a nice-looking laundry room floor in your home or in your commercial property, our team can give your laundry floor some panache, as well as protect it from damage. Regardless of your reasons for renovations to your flooring décor, epoxy floors are the answer. Laundry rooms need the protection of epoxy floors. It delivers on the added benefit of anti-slippage coating. There are many areas around your home where epoxy flooring could provide protection and beauty, and your laundry room is at the top of the list. When you want your epoxy laundry room floors installed by the top professionals in the industry, get Rochester Epoxy Flooring. |
Victor, NY
Rochester, NY Albion, NY Avon, NY East Rochester, NY Geneseo, NY Hamlin, NY Livonia, NY Lyons, NY Macedon, NY Manchester, NY Mendon, NY Murray, NY Newark, NY North Dansville, NY Palmyra, NY Phelps, NY Ridgeway, NY Riga, NY Shelby, NY Sodus, NY Walworth, NY Webster, NY Wheatland, NY Williamson, NY |